The Simple Guide to Visiting and Living in Seoul

A group of people walking down a crowded Seoul street
Coming to Seoul

4 Tips for Groups Traveling in Seoul during Summer

Planning a family vacation in Seoul, or are you a group traveling in Seoul, and you want to make sure your trip doesn’t become a logistical mess? Here are some tips to ensure a smooth stay in Seoul: 1. Transportation Tickets and Cards Simplifying Transportation from the Airport to your Destination Those new to Seoul and unaccustomed to navigating the subway system in Seoul may find it overwhelming initially. While the subway system will become
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A street in Seoul on a summer night
Life in Seoul

Summer in Seoul : Three places you MUST visit!

23 Is it me or is it getting hot in here ? Wow, my first post. I am very excited to share with you how I experienced summer in Seoul, when I first came here. You may enjoy the same activities I did if you are planning on coming to this city —with some extra free of charges/ life saving tips I wish someone had told back then. DISCLAIMER : What is written bellow is
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Seoul Subway App
Coming to Seoul

Apps to download while living abroad in Seoul, South Korea

While Seoul can be a comfortable place to live once understanding the lay of the land, it can just as easily appear confusing and intimidating to those new to the city and country. For those bringing a smartphone with them, below is a list of apps that can make acclimating to life in Korea much easier: 1. Seoul Subway App Once you understand how the subway system works, it’s very clear how to navigate almost
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Kyunglidan Namsan Tower
Coming to Seoul

Noksapyeong: The Best Neighborhood to Live in While Abroad in Seoul?

Planning to study or work abroad in Seoul this year, and wondering where is the best place to live to enjoy both your student, social, and travel life? One assumption, especially with students, is that it would be best to live as close as possible to the university they will be attending. While this does have it’s obvious benefits, our experience and the experience from our student tenants speaks to otherwise. For those looking for
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This is a sim card you can purchase in South Korea
Coming to Seoul

7 Things to Prepare Before Coming to Seoul as a Student

Coming to Seoul (or any foreign country for that matter) can be an exciting experience, especially if you’re coming to study, intern, or work. The list below contains a few things to considering preparing that can certainly make your transition into the new country a much smoother and stress-free experience. Enjoy! 1. Buy a Sim Card (ideally online and in advance) In many ways, Seoul is an incredibly advanced and efficient city, and in other
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Property 1 1st bedroom d pano
Coming to Seoul

A Guide to Living Options in Seoul for International Students and Interns

So, you’ve received your acceptance letter in the mail notifying you that you’re going to be studying in Seoul for a semester or two. Or perhaps you’ve been employed by that international company and you have 2 months to pack up and move. Congratulations! You’re in for an awesome adventure. I remember how bright-eyed and excited I was when I first came to Seoul to study abroad, which was about…*thinks*…11 years ago…(eyes glaze over and
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